Hello World v2

By James Peret – 7 years ago in update

Just testing out my new Jekyll blog app. It took me about 2 hours to get this blog up and running on one of my current droplets in Digital Ocean. It was a fun process. I can write in my text editor using markdown and then push my changes to the server with git. The server then compiles and creates a static version of the website.

Now comes the fun part of actually creating my new blog. The ideia with this is to have a place to write down my notes and adventures about programming, design and startups.

In the past few weeks I played around with some realy cool javscript frameworks like Famo.us, Ionic and AngularJS. On the server side, I have been experimenting with realtime messaging with web sockets using Faye and I’m also creating a API with Ruby on Rails.

Besides programming, i have some other cool jobs going on like the project for the new Endossa store’s front facade and the Flux 324 opening and closing credits animation.

Hello, I'm James Peret, a designer, programmer and filmmaker from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

My skills include developing games with unity and C#, coding web apps with node and javascript, designing user interfaces and 3d modeling for games and industrial design.

I'm available for work in the areas of programming, design and filmmaking assistance.